
Newsletter April - Rotary Controller SK225
Wir hoffen ihr hattet erholsame Osterfeiertage. Wir haben die Zeit genutzt um unseren neusten Newsletter vorzubereiten, welcher an unsere Kunden und Partner versendet wurde. Möchten auch sie ihn mehrmals jährlich direkt in ihrem Posteingang? Dann melden sie sich unter
Gerne präsentieren wir ihnen den Inhalt auch direkt hier:
The SK225 has now been successfully launched on the market. With its features such as 360° endless rotation, the function as a joystick and the integrated pushbutton, it impresses our innovative customers. Further highlights include a programmable LED ring and, thanks to its design, it has no installation depth.
Whether as a control unit for sophisticated medical devices, as a controller for machine screens or as a speed controller for vehicles, there are almost no limits to the field of application.
As a small preview for the future, our development team is in the process of creating a CAN version of the SK225.
If you are interested in this joystick, please do not hesitate to contact us for further information. We will be happy to discuss the possibilities with you, demonstrate you the products via Teams or organise a sample for you. 
Here you can find the complete data sheet abour our SK225.
Der letzte Newsletter über unsere Umweltaktivitäten: